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The Rockhampton City Plan took effect on August 30, 2005 and underwent one amendment since its adoption. The final version, the Rockhampton City Plan - Reprint 1, took effect on May 8 2009 and is found below. The Rockhampton City Plan is superseded by the Rockhampton Region Planning Scheme.
Certification Page(PDF, 46KB)
Table of Contents(PDF, 139KB)
Introduction to Rockhampton City Plan(PDF, 187KB)
Strategic Framework(PDF, 676KB)
Assessment Processes and Definitions(PDF, 653KB)
Introduction to Areas(PDF, 130KB) Nth Rockhampton - Berserker Foothills Residential Area(PDF, 1MB) Nth Rockhampton - Berserker Heights Residential Area(PDF, 1MB) Nth Rockhampton - Berserker Range Environmental Protection Area(PDF, 2MB) Nth Rockhampton - Bridge Street Residential Area(PDF, 976KB) Nth Rockhampton - Central Queensland University Special Use Area(PDF, 474KB) Nth Rockhampton - Frenchville Residential Area(PDF, 2MB) Nth Rockhampton - Lakes Creek Residential Area(PDF, 939KB) Nth Rockhampton - Limestone Creek Residential Area(PDF, 711KB) Nth Rockhampton - Musgrave Street Highway Commercial Area(PDF, 863KB) Nth Rockhampton - Norbank Estate Special Use Area(PDF, 2MB) Nth Rockhampton - Norman Road Residential Area(PDF, 1MB) Nth Rockhampton - North Rockhampton Centre Commercial Area(PDF, 525KB) Nth Rockhampton - North Rockhampton Residential Consolidation Area(PDF, 1MB) Nth Rockhampton - North Rockhampton Stables Residential Area(PDF, 647KB) Nth Rockhampton - Park Avenue Industrial Area(PDF, 1MB) Nth Rockhampton - Parkhurst East Residential Area(PDF, 744KB) Nth Rockhampton - Parkhurst Industrial Area(PDF, 2MB) Nth Rockhampton - Parkhurst Future (Post 2015) Residential Area(PDF, 493KB) Nth Rockhampton - Parkhurst Rural Area(PDF, 1MB) Nth Rockhampton - Richardson Road Residential Area(PDF, 4MB) Nth Rockhampton - Splitters Creek Residential Area(PDF, 2MB) Nth Rockhampton - The Town Common Special Use Area(PDF, 990KB) Nth Rockhampton - Yaamba Road South Commercial Area(PDF, 710KB) Nth Rockhampton - Yeppoon Road Corridor Environmental Protection Area(PDF, 554KB) Sth Rockhampton - Airport Special Use Area(PDF, 969KB) Sth Rockhampton - Allenstown Residential Consolidation Area(PDF, 1007KB) Sth Rockhampton - Central Business District Commercial Area(PDF, 1MB) Sth Rockhampton - Depot Hill Residential Area(PDF, 895KB) Sth Rockhampton - Depot Hill Special Use Area(PDF, 574KB) Sth Rockhampton - Inner City North Residential Consolidation Area(PDF, 1MB) Sth Rockhampton - Port Curtis Rural Area(PDF, 418KB) Sth Rockhampton - South Rockhampton Highway Commercial Area(PDF, 1MB) Sth Rockhampton - South Rockhampton Low Impact Industrial Area(PDF, 1MB) Sth Rockhampton - South Rockhampton Rural Area(PDF, 2MB) Sth Rockhampton - The Range North Residential Area(PDF, 1MB) Sth Rockhampton - The Range South Residential Area(PDF, 624KB) Sth Rockhampton - Transport Industrial Area(PDF, 593KB) Sth Rockhampton - Wandal Residential Area(PDF, 1MB)
Introduction to Codes(PDF, 192KB) Activity Centres Code(PDF, 1MB) Aged Care Accommodation Code(PDF, 149KB) Airport Code(PDF, 189KB) Bed and Breakfast Code(PDF, 140KB) Biodiversity & Nature Conservation Code(PDF, 167KB) Bushfire Risk Minimisation Code(PDF, 359KB) Caravan Parks and Cabin Code(PDF, 552KB) Caretakers Residence Code(PDF, 151KB) Child Care Centre Code(PDF, 151KB) City Centre Code(PDF, 3MB) Commercial Centres Self Assessable Code(PDF, 116KB) Community Use Code(PDF, 157KB) Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Code(PDF, 169KB) Demolition Code(PDF, 154KB) Environmental Nuisance by Noise and Light Code(PDF, 113KB) External Works and Servicing Code(PDF, 146KB) Filling or Excavation Code(PDF, 160KB) Flood Prone Land Code(PDF, 292KB) Heritage Place Code(PDF, 143KB) Home Occupation and Home Based Business Code(PDF, 220KB) House Code(PDF, 192KB) Industrial Use Code(PDF, 262KB) Industry Self Assessment Code(PDF, 234KB) Intensive Animal Husbandry Code(PDF, 151KB) Landscape Code(PDF, 373KB) Market Code(PDF, 118KB) Multi Unit Dwelling, Accommodation Building & Duplex Code(PDF, 639KB) Norbank Estate Special Use Area Code(PDF, 1MB) Norman Road Residential Area Code(PDF, 1MB) Parking and Access Code(PDF, 260KB) Railway Noise Code(PDF, 741KB) Reconfiguration of Lot Code(PDF, 561KB) Residential - Small Lot code(PDF, 271KB) Residential Design - Character Code(PDF, 142KB) Restricted Premises Code(PDF, 107KB) Rural Use Code(PDF, 138KB) Service Station Code(PDF, 238KB) Signage Code(PDF, 605KB) Sports and Recreation Code(PDF, 169KB) Stables Code(PDF, 215KB) Steep or Unstable Land Code(PDF, 227KB) Swimming Pool Code(PDF, 129KB) Telecommunications Code(PDF, 124KB) Water Quality and Quantity Code(PDF, 133KB)
Planning Policy 1 - Preparation of Environmental Assessment and Management Report(PDF, 175KB) Planning Policy 2 - Erosion and Sediment Control(PDF, 577KB) Planning Policy 3 - Preparation of Geotechnical Reports(PDF, 137KB) Planning Policy 4 - Heritage Places(PDF, 143KB) Planning Policy 5 - Open Space Infrastructure Policy(PDF, 195KB) Planning Policy 6 - Planting Species(PDF, 296KB) Planning Policy 7 - Provision of Bicycle Facilities Policy(PDF, 155KB) Planning Policy 8 - Road Infrastructure Policy(PDF, 119KB) Planning Policy 9 - Signage(PDF, 632KB) Planning Policy 10 - Stormwater Contributions(PDF, 169KB) Planning Policy 11 - Water and Sewerage Infrastructure Policy(PDF, 253KB) Planning Policy 12 - Assessment of Bushfire Hazard Policy(PDF, 211KB) Planning Policy 13 - Road Hierarchy(PDF, 132KB) Planning Policy 14 - Flood Plain Management(PDF, 193KB) Planning Policy 15 - Development Application Requirements(PDF, 231KB) Planning Policy 16 - Car Parking Contributions(PDF, 2MB)
Planning Policy 11 - Water Supply and Sewerage Contributions - Map 1(PDF, 232KB) Planning Policy 11 - Water Supply and Sewerage Contributions - Map 2(PDF, 289KB) Planning Policy 11 - Water Supply and Sewerage Contributions - Map 3(PDF, 369KB) Planning Policy 11 - Water Supply and Sewerage Contributions - Map 4(PDF, 306KB) Planning Policy 11 - Water Supply and Sewerage Contributions - Map 5(PDF, 285KB) Planning Policy 11 - Water Supply and Sewerage Contributions - Map 6(PDF, 311KB) Planning Policy 11 - Water Supply and Sewerage Contributions - Map 7(PDF, 188KB) Planning Policy 11 - Water Supply and Sewerage Contributions - Map 8(PDF, 190KB) Planning Policy 11 - Water Supply and Sewerage Contributions - Map 10(PDF, 178KB) Planning Policy 11 - Water Supply and Sewerage Contributions - Map 11(PDF, 238KB) Planning Policy 11 - Water Supply and Sewerage Contributions - Map 12(PDF, 205KB) Planning Policy 11 - Water Supply and Sewerage Contributions - Map 13(PDF, 207KB)
Airport Code Map 1 - ANEF Contour Map(PDF, 804KB) Airport Code Map 2 - Obstacle Limitation Surface Map(PDF, 1MB) Airport Code Map 3 - Aviation Facilities Sensitive Areas(PDF, 763KB) Airport Code Map 4 - Distance to Runways(PDF, 931KB) Bushfire Risk Minimisation Code Map 1 - Bushfire Prone Land(PDF, 2MB) Bikeways Policy Map(PDF, 2MB) Filling or Excavation Code Map 1 - 5m and 20m AHD(PDF, 1MB) Flood Prone Land Code Map 1 - Flood Hazard Map(PDF, 730KB) Planning Scheme Map 1 - Strategic Framework Map(PDF, 927KB) Planning Scheme Map 2 - Public Open Space(PDF, 2MB) Planning Scheme Map 3 - Height Limitation Map(PDF, 2MB) Planning Scheme Map 4 - Environmentally Sensitive Location(PDF, 864KB) Planning Scheme Map 5 - Waterway Corridor Map(PDF, 917KB) Planning Scheme Map 6 - Planning Areas Key Map(PDF, 813KB) Planning Scheme Map 7 - Infrastructure Map(PDF, 1MB) Railway Noise Code Map 1(PDF, 741KB) Road Hierarchy Policy Map(PDF, 982KB) Steep or Unstable Land Code Map 1 - Slope More Than 15%(PDF, 5MB)
End Notes(PDF, 64KB)
Policies - Statement of Proposals(PDF, 2MB)
Council report(PDF, 74KB) Council resolution(PDF, 22KB)
Appendix 1 - Northeast Parkhurst area(PDF, 1MB) Appendix 2 - Northeast Parkhurst Master Plan consultation report(PDF, 5MB) Appendix 3 - Consultation response(PDF, 395KB) Appendix 4 - Site analysis(PDF, 277KB) Appendix 5 - Key development plan(PDF, 1MB) Appendix 6 - Open space plan(PDF, 1MB) Appendix 7 - Road network(PDF, 1MB) Appendix 8 - Sewer catchment plan(PDF, 4MB) Appendix 9 - Stormwater flow plans(PDF, 2MB) Appendix 10 - Water sequencing(PDF, 5MB) Appendix 11 - Land use area (structure plan)(PDF, 489KB) Appendix 12 - Character images plan(PDF, 503KB) Appendix 13 - Explanatory master plan(PDF, 452KB) Appendix 14 - Land use plan(PDF, 2MB)
Parkhurst and Yeppoon Road structure plan(PDF, 418KB) Figure 1 - Structure plan locality and subject area(PDF, 1MB) Figure 2 - Planning study land suitability assessment(PDF, 360KB) Figure 3 - Proposed planning area(PDF, 481KB) Figure 4 - Structure plan area land use(PDF, 489KB) Figure 5 - Parkhurst area land use(PDF, 244KB) Figure 6 - Overlay: structure plan area open space network(PDF, 657KB) Figure 7 - Overlay: proposed plan area road hierarchy pre 2020(PDF, 430KB) Figure 8 - Overlay: proposed plan area road hierarchy post 2020(PDF, 433KB) Figure 9 - Overlay: structure plan area pedestrian, cyclist and public transport network(PDF, 660KB) Figure 10 - Overlay: Parkhurst area road reserve widening(PDF, 204KB) Figure 11 - Overlay: structure plan area services and community infrastructure(PDF, 457KB) Figure 12 - Overlay: amenity impacted area (PDF, 150KB)
Study - Urban Heritage and Character Study - September 2000(PDF, 4MB)
Study - Citywide Industrial Land Use Strategy - November 2002(PDF, 2MB)
Figure 1: Central Queensland Region(PDF, 31KB) Figure 2: Stanwell Corridor(PDF, 101KB) Figure 3: Parkhurst Industrial Precinct(PDF, 461KB) Figure 3a: Parkhurst Industrial Precinct(PDF, 142KB) Figure 4: Kawana-Park Avenue Industrial Precinct(PDF, 739KB) Figure 4a: Kawana-Park Avenue Industrial Precinct(PDF, 229KB) Figure 5: Lakes Creek Industrial Precinct(PDF, 228KB) Figure 5a: Lakes Creek Industrial Precinct(PDF, 119KB) Figure 6: Stanley Street Industrial Precinct(PDF, 510KB) Figure 6a: Stanley Street Industrial Precinct(PDF, 154KB) Figure 7: Port Curtis Industrial Investigation Precinct(PDF, 98KB) Figure 7a: Port Curtis Industrial Investigation Precinct(PDF, 111KB) Figure 8: Airport Industrial Investigation Precinct(PDF, 433KB) Figure 8a: Airport Industrial Investigation Precinct(PDF, 133KB) Figure 9: Rockhampton Industrial Precincts(PDF, 163KB)
Study - Centres Planning Strategy - June 2003(PDF, 1MB)
Study - Car Parking Strategy - July 2003(PDF, 1MB)