Rockhampton Region Planning Scheme
![RRPS header](/files/assets/public/v/1/communities/planning-building-plumbing/marketing/rrps-header.jpg?w=680&h=146)
The Rockhampton Region Planning Scheme commenced on Monday 24 August 2015. The Planning Scheme is Council’s most important tool for guiding the Region’s future growth and development. Prepared to provide a consistent approach to land use planning throughout the region the Rockhampton Region Planning Scheme replaced the Fitzroy Shire, Mount Morgan Shire and Rockhampton City Planning Schemes.
View and search the Rockhampton Region Planning Scheme through Council's online planning service, Rock e Plan. Rock e Plan provides an online planning and development service to view and search the current and previous versions of the Rockhampton Region Planning Scheme and interactive Planning Scheme Mapping.
Proposed Planning Scheme Amendments
Currently open for consultation
Amendments to the Rockhampton Region Planning Scheme currently open for public consultation are listed in the table below. You can view the changes being proposed and have your say by visiting Engagement HQ.
Major Amendment Package A
Consultation period
The proposed changes in Major Amendment Package A include:
- A change to the level of assessment for reconfiguration of a lot within the flood hazard overlay: and
- Changes to the assessment benchmarks within the Flood Hazard Overlay Code.
To view the proposed changes - click here.
Monday 17 June 2024 to Monday 17 July 2024
Completed consultation
Amendments which have recently completed consultation are listed in the table below.
Consultation closed and status
Not applicable |
Rockhampton Region Planning Scheme Table of Amendments
Date of commencement
Planning scheme version number
Amendment type
Summary of amendments
25 October 2023
Version 3 and 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4
Major Amendment
Version 3
- Update the residential designations based on the anticipated population growth. Three parcels of land designated as ‘Future Urban’ in the Strategic Framework and Emerging Community in the zone framework and are proposed to be changed to ‘New Urban’ and ‘Low Density Residential’ zone;
- Allow home-based business in Industry zones for existing houses;
- Provide further clarification to the Industrial use definitions by adding the industry thresholds to the definitions;
- Amend subdivision provisions to align with the mandatory State regulations;
- Include North Rockhampton Flood Management Area (NRFMA) Stage 2 (temporary flood barriers);
- Amend inconsistencies in regard to interpretation of the Planning Scheme; and
- Zone and Overlay mapping changes.
Version 4
- Updated Fitzroy River Flood Overlay Map; and
- Updated Local Catchment Flood Overlay Map.
14 June 2021
Version 2.2
Minor Amendment (Please contact Council for a copy of the superseded Planning Scheme)
- Update all superseded legislation and Australian Standards;
- Update the list of approved 'inconsistent' development applications (Schedule 4); and
- Update the recently approved Ministerial Designations (Schedule 5).
3 March 2020
Version 2.1
Interim Local Government Infrastructure Plan Amendment
- Introduce five catchments - Parkhurst, North Rockhampton, South Rockhampton, Gracemere and Mount Morgan;
- Update the Planning Assumptions Model for new population and employment projections
- Update timings for Trunk Infrastructure Projects
- Update costs associated with Trunk Infrastructure Projects
- Modify and add new Trunk Infrastructure Projects; and
- Administrative updates and changes.
25 November 2019
Version 2
Major Amendment
- Removal of requirements associated with Table 5.6.1 Building Works;
- Amended Table of Assessment for Operational works associated with an advertising device, advertising devices code and advertising devices planning scheme policy to provide greater clarity and to include requirements for digital signage;
- Renaming of Neighbourhood Character Overlay to Character Overlay and updated character mapping and character code provisions;
- Amended High Density Residential zone table of assessable for retirement facilities to be accepted development;
- Inclusion of the Kershaw Gardens, Fitzroy River Accommodation and Industry precincts into the tables of assessment and zone codes;
- Inclusion of administrative definition for self-contained vehicles;
- Removal of the minor demolition administrative definition;
- Inclusion of Table SC1.3.1 - index and definitions of advertising devices;
- Inclusion of short-term accommodation provisions into the residential tables of assessment and zone codes;
- Amended zoning;
- Flood hazard overlay code, planning scheme policy and mapping to provide greater clarity and to incorporate the North Rockhampton floodplain management area;
- Amended stormwater management code and stormwater management planning scheme policy to include water sensitive urban design principles; and
- General administrative and legislative updates.
3 July 2017
Version 1.1
Alignment Amendment
- Align with new terminology under the Planning Act 2016;
- Strategic framework reflected within the relevant codes (zone, development and overlay codes) for code assessment;
- Editing, removing of duplication, updating outdated documents and the like; and
- Removal of the development application requirements planning scheme policy.
24 August 2015
Version 1
Original planning scheme
- Prepared to provide a consistent approach for land use planning throughout the region. The Rockhampton Region Planning Scheme replaced the Fitzroy Shire, Mount Morgan Shire and Rockhampton City Planning Schemes.
Superseded Planning Schemes
The Rockhampton Region Planning Scheme replaced the Fitzroy Shire, Mount Morgan Shire and Rockhampton City Planning Schemes.
View the Superseded Planning Schemes .