Naming of infrastructure assets

Naming of infrastructure assets provides an opportunity to honour individuals and groups for contributions and achievements that deserve recognition. They also present an opportunity to emphasise important landmarks, geographical features or history that may be more relevant in some cases. The issue of naming infrastructure assets may arise either in the case of existing unnamed infrastructure at the instigation of Council or the community or as a result of new infrastructure being constructed as part of Council works or residential development.

When naming Regional Services Department’s assets including, but not limited to roads and bridges, it is important to ensure that:

  • Any new road/infrastructure asset names do not conflict with existing names presently recorded in Council’s Road Register or other records;
  • Any new infrastructure asset name does not conflict with existing names presently in use. Name duplication within the local government area is to be avoided; and
  • Council’s road network has an easily recognisable system of road and street name signs that assist both pedestrians and motorists and provide a safe traffic environment.

Information for the process to request a name of a park or reserve should be requested from Council’s Community Services Department.

Community members should write to Council outlining the relevant information pertaining to the name chosen, name/s they have selected for the asset and the exact location of the asset concerned in their correspondence.

Council will advertise through local newspapers for nominations form the public and community groups. The General Manager Regional Services may also seek specific input from certain community groups or other representative bodies as deemed necessary to ensure that a representative community consultation has taken place.

All nominations will be assessed by the General Manager Regional Services, or his delegate, against the criteria outlined in the Council Policy, Naming of Infrastructure Assets. This assessment will be reported back to Council with the General Manager’s recommendation for Council’s consideration. Council, at its discretion, may adopt, alter or reject any recommendation presented.

Naming Criteria for Infrastructure Services Assets Other Than Roads

  1. Nominations to name assets, other than roads, for example bridges and boat ramps (excluding parks and reserves) are to be assessed against the following criteria:

    a)    Preference will be given to a name that is suggestive of the peculiarity of a geographical feature e.g. shape, vegetation, etc;
    b)    Preference will be given to a name that has historical, cultural or local significance;
    c)    Nominees who have contributed time, money or services to the community that were not part of their work, for at least ten years, will be given priority;
    d)    Nominees who have been recognised in their fields of expertise at a national level or higher will be given a priority;
    e)    Family names that have already been used will not be considered even though it refers to a different family. In this case, consideration will be given to using the person’s full name e.g. Joe Bloggs Bridge.

Naming Criteria for Road Assets

Nominations to name road assets, including roads created by ‘new’ development, will be assessed against the criteria listed in Council's Naming of Infrastructure Assets Policy. It is to be noted that community members are unable to suggest names for new developments; this is the responsibility of the developer.

This information should be read in conjunction with Council Naming of Infrastructure Assets Policy(PDF, 174KB).