Sustainability Strategy Progress Reports


Implementing Council’s Sustainability Strategy is a journey of many steps, and the Year in Review annual reports are important to not only assess how we’re tracking but to also celebrate what we’ve achieved along the way and what we’re working toward.

The Sustainability Strategy Year in Reviews highlight a number of major achievements and recognise these achievements are collaborative efforts as Council continues to work together with our local residents, communities, businesses, industries, and other levels of government to strengthen our community, environmental and economic resilience. Council also continues to look at how we can do things better – through our own operations and services.

Sustainability Strategy - Strategic Priorities Snapshot(PDF, 2MB)

View Council's sustainability progress via the Year in Review reports:
Sustainability Strategy - Year in Review: FY2022-23
Sustainability Strategy - Year in Review: FY2021-22
Sustainability Strategy - Year in Review: FY2020-21
Sustainability Strategy - Year in Review: FY2019-20
Sustainability Strategy - Year in Review: FY2018-19