Sustainability Policy


Council is committed to putting sustainability into action through its corporate commitments and governance arrangements; its strategies, services and operations; and its community programs and partnerships. Council seeks to align with national and state policies, whilst simultaneously strengthening our community, environmental and economic resilience. 

Council works together with our local residents, communities, businesses, industries and other levels of government to:

  1. Prioritise a healthy natural environment by protecting, maintaining and enhancing our natural assets;
  2. Transition towards net zero emissions by accelerating local climate action;
  3. Create a climate resilient Region by preparing our Council, Region and community to adapt and prosper in a changing climate; and
  4. Build a low-carbon circular economy by working with business, industry and government to ensure our Region thrives.

These strategic priorities are identified and further supported by Council’s Corporate and Operational Plans and the Sustainability Strategy (Towards 2030). 

View Council's Sustainability Policy

As the level of government closest to the community, Council plays an important role in the protection of our local communities and in positioning the Region to thrive. At times, this may include acting as a:

  • Provider - Deliver and maintain assets and services for the community,
  • Advocate - Promote the interests of the community to other decision makers and influencers,
  • Partner - Foster partnerships with other parties that support Council and the community,
  • Facilitator - Bring individuals, groups and other interested parties together,
  • Educator - Build awareness and skills to enhance local capacity and capability,
  • Supporter - Support other organisations to deliver services via funding and other assistance, or
  • Regulator - Regulate activities through local laws, policy and the planning scheme.