Managing Invasive Animals

Recording data and Mapping should be one of the first considerations before starting control programs, from first sightings onwards. Council uses and encourages all residents, landholders, businesses, community groups and organisations to use FeralScan for mapping and recording. FeralScan is easy to use via their website or mobile phone app. It is very important to get local data here in Central Queensland to record and map increases and decreases in species population, frequency, damage caused and controls undertaken. This will help monitor invasive animals within our region over time so resources and funding can be better allocated at a local, state and federal government level.
Successful long-term management of invasive animals relies on cooperation between neighbours, community groups, businesses, government departments and the coordination of control activities.
Some chemical and physical control techniques can be hazardous to people, stock and property, and current legislation enforces strict guidelines for their use. When choosing a control option, landowners may need to seek advice from Council or Biosecurity Queensland.
Agricultural chemical products should always be used in accordance with label instructions or permits issued by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority.
Pest Management Officers can assist in the trapping of certain pest animals (wild dogs, foxes and feral cats) and has a limited number of traps to loan to the public free of charge for these animals. More information can be found in the Trapping of Pest Animals Fact Sheet below. Pest Management will not assist in the trapping of wandering nuisance pet or stray animals. These issues should be directed to the Animal Management Centre.
For further information on control methods please visit the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) website, PestSmart website or contact a Pest Management Officer on 07 4932 9000 or 1300 22 55 77.