2022-2027 Corporate Plan
2022-2027 Corporate Plan(PDF, 6MB)
2022-2027 One Page Corporate Plan Summary(PDF, 535KB)
Corporate Plans are not only a legislated requirement for local governments, they are an opportunity for a local government to set its direction for the next five years. Council relies on its Corporate Plans to support its decision making – starting with our Vision.
Our Vision is more than just words – it provides the inspiration behind everything we do.
The next five years are critical for Council and the Region, and Council’s focus is on responsibly managing our current needs, while planning for the future.
Council’s priority is, and continues to be, creating a fiscally responsible organisation that provides excellent service and value for money to ratepayers across the Region. This Corporate Plan emphasises the importance of strategic planning, thoroughly understanding our communities and their needs, and providing the infrastructure that underpins vibrant, liveable, growing communities.
Our Corporate Plan sets the strategic direction and priorities for our organisation for the next five financial years. It identifies expectations that the community desires within the Region and outlines what Council will do to achieve these expectations. The Plan consists of the following themes: Our Council, Our Community, Our Economy, Our Environment with infrastructure underpinning what our Council delivers.

Each of these themes are supported by a number of outcomes that Council is committed to achieving. The Corporate Plan is directly linked to Council’s long term strategic documents, including our annual Budget and Operational Plan(PDF, 7MB). Reporting on the progress of the outcomes within the Corporate Plan are conducted through Operational Plan quarterly progress reports.