Renewing a Lease or Licence

If your organisation currently has a lease, licence or permit, Rockhampton Regional Council will contact you to discuss renewal between six and nine months before it is due to expire.

The standard renewal term for a lease is five years.  The standard renewal term for a licence or permit is three years.

Renewing a lease, licence or permit has five steps.

Step One – Application

Organisations with leased, licenced or permitted properties need to fill out a tenure renewal application form.

When you fill out your tenure renewal application, review the terms and conditions of your existing lease.  This includes the permitted operating hours and use of the premises.  If you want to change any terms for the lease renewal, note this in your application.

Organisations must return the completed application forms along with copies of these documents:

  • Certified copy of the Certificate of incorporation
  • Constitution
  • Most recent audited financial statements
  • Certificate of currency for public liability insurance
  • Certificate of currency for building insurance (if applicable)
  • Current liquor/gaming licences (if applicable)

Complete the Lease/Licence Tenure Renewal Application Form(PDF, 283KB) .

Development Plans

Your development plan must include the costs of normal maintenance works, where applicable.

Council recommends you complete in detail the costs outlined for the proposed improvement works and state if the proposed work will be subject to grants funding.

Also note on the form if your organisation is planning any development within the building or grounds over the next five years.

Step Two – Assessment

The Sport and Education Coordinator will check your application to make sure it is completed correctly and includes all the supporting documents.

Once all documents are provided, your application will be assessed.  It will be shown to several Rockhampton Regional Council officers for comment.

We may ask you to submit more information.  This may include extra financial statements.  For leased properties, this may include a more detailed breakdown of proposed work.

Step Three – Approval

After fully assessing your application, your Sport and Education Coordinator will make a recommendation to the appropriate Manager and/or a Council Committee.

 If your application has been successful, it will be recommended that your organisation’s agreement be renewed.

Council will then send your organisation an approval letter detailing the terms and conditions of the renewal.

If your organisation has any concerns about the terms and conditions of the approval, you should contact Council immediately.

If your application is unsuccessful, you will be contacted in order to discuss the reasons for the decision.

Step Four – Execution

After the renewal is approved, the Property & Insurance Section will prepare your lease, licence or permit documents.  You will be given contact details for the person who will be preparing your lease.

The Property & Insurance Section will send the lease documents to the Sport and Education Services Unit who will arrange a meeting with your organisation to discuss the tenure agreements. The organisation will then be asked to discuss the agreement with its Committee and execute the document. Your organisation will need to:

  • Place the Common Seal of the association where indicated*
  • Have two of the appropriately delegated (management committee) officers of the association sign the document.  The officers need to write the date of signing and for licences print their full names (no initials) in the spaces provided in the sealing clause.  Other instructions will be forwarded with the lease documents
  • The signatories must have their signatures witnessed by an appropriately qualified person as stated in the signing clause*

If one of the Parties acting as a signatory on the Agreement is the Club/Association Secretary then no common seal is required and the signatures do not need to be witnessed by an appropriately qualified person 

Step Five – Registration

Once your organisation has executed the documents, you need to return all of them to the Property & Insurance Section.  If it is a Trustee Lease or a Trustee Permit (Reserve Land), then Council will apply for Ministerial Consent for the agreement. The agreement will then be signed by the Authorised Officer.

The Property & Insurance Section will then lodge the Lease with Titles Office for registration.  Your organisation will be invoiced for the reimbursement of the registration fee which is set by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. 

After registration, the Property & Insurance Section will send your organisation an executed, registered copy of your agreement.  Keep this document in a safe place.  Your current and future committees must be able to easily access your agreement for reference or use at any time.


When your lease or licence is due for renewal you will need to complete a Lease/Licence Tenure Renewal Application Form(PDF, 283KB)  so that the renewal can be progressed.