Our 2024 Community Satisfaction Survey is open and we are keen to hear from all Rockhampton region residents! Let us know what’s important to you by completing our online survey, which only takes 10 minutes.
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Andrew Brown Service Provider is now First4Care Pty Ltd, a registered service provider under the NDIS. Find us at First4Care.org
The NDIS is a new way of providing people with a disability better choice & control on how they live their lives.
Funded by the Federal Government, the NDIS provides individualised funding packages that people can use to purchase supports & equipment they need to achieve their goals & live a better life. Supports may help you achieve goals in many different areas of your life including independence, community involvement, education, employment & health & well being.
First4Care, 391 Waterloo St, Frenchville 4701 View Map
391 Waterloo St , Frenchville 4701