Local Law 5 (Parking) 2011

Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2011(PDF, 250KB)  allows Council to complement the regulated parking provisions in the TORUM Act by providing for the exercise of local government powers authorised under that Act.

This Local Law sets out the traffic areas, off street regulated parking areas, parking permits, commercial vehicle identification labels and infringements for minor traffic offences.

Council may, under certain circumstances, issue parking permits so a vehicle may be parked contrary to an indication on an official traffic sign regulating parking by time or payment of a fee.

CBD Parking

From 11 September 2024, Licence Plate Recognition Parking Technology (LPR) will be used to replace sensors and tyre-chalking as a way of monitoring parking times in in the CBD. Council vehicles will be fitted with the technology and driven by a Council Local Laws Officer. The sensors detect vehicles which have overstayed the time limit by comparing multiple images taken during patrols.

Infringement notices will be issued to vehicle owners by mail instead of being placed on the vehicles.

How will the LPR know if I move my vehicle and park in the same spot?

While the LPR is designed to detect if a vehicle has been moved, it’s recommended to avoid parking in the exact same spot after moving your vehicle within the permitted time. Officers conduct verification of the patrols when issuing infringements.

What are the benefits of LPR?

LPR is being introduced to improve the vehicle turnover rate and therefore access for customers driving into the CBD. By ensuring drivers don’t overstay their limit, we’re increasing availability for the next customer to come along and support local businesses. Sadly, our Local Laws Officers can also be subjected to unacceptable violence, threats and abuse while doing their job. By taking them off the streets and into LPR vehicles, we’re creating a safer environment for our staff too.

What does this mean for CBD workers?

We encourage all CBD workers to utilise the free all-day parking available a short distance from the CBD. Surveys conducted by Council has found many of these parks are remaining unused during the day, with almost a third sitting empty during some surveys.

To improve the flow of customers to your business, increase traffic in the CBD and eliminate your own search for a carpark, please use all day spaces and walk to your workplace where possible.

Where are the regulated and unregulated car parking spaces?

A map of the regulated and unregulated car parking spaces can be found here(PDF, 2MB) .



Parking Permit Applications

The following parking permit applications are available from Council and must be displayed on your vehicle.

Community Service Organisation Parking Permit

Where the person will use the parking permit for an activity, which is consistent with the objectives of the community service organisation, and parking is regulated by time.


Resident Parking Permit

Where the person resides in a residence which does not have access to adequate off-street parking and parking on a road immediately adjacent to the residence is regulated by time. No more than one (1) resident parking permit will be issued for the same residence.


Visitor Parking Permit

Where a permit is made available by the resident for use by another person who is visiting/attending the residence and intends to park on the section of road immediately adjacent to the residence which is regulated by time. No more than one (1) visitor parking permit will be issued for the same residence. A visitor parking permit is not specific to any particular vehicle.

Temporary Parking Permit

Where the applicant is engaged in temporary activity affecting premises immediately adjacent to the parking space/s and it is not reasonably practical for the applicant to carry out the activity unless the parking space/s are allocated to the applicant’s exclusive use for the duration of the activity.


Works Zone Parking Permit

Where the part of the road is adjacent to a site at which the person is proposing to undertake building or construction work, and it is not reasonably practical for all work activity and movements to be confined within the site.

Tourist Vehicle Parking Permit

A tourist vehicle is a horse drawn vehicle or pedicab which is used for the purposes of carrying passengers on a commercial basis. A tourist vehicle parking permit may be issued to allow a person to park a tourist vehicle in a designated parking space/s regulated by time or by payment of a fee.



Off Street Regulated Parking Areas

Council has declared certain areas as traffic areas and off-street regulated parking areas. Details and maps of these areas are included within Schedules 1 & 2 of Subordinate Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2011.

Off street regulated parking areas in the Rockhampton Region

  • Rockhampton Airport at Canoona Road
  • Pilbeam Theatre at Bolsover Street and Victoria Parade
  • Riverside Car Parks at Quay Street and Victoria Parade
  • Rockhampton City Hall at Bolsover Street
  • Customs House at Quay Street
  • Rockhampton Post Office at East Street
  • Heritage Village at Boundary Road
  • Corner of Alma Street and Derby Street


Minor Traffic Offences

Miinor traffic offences under the TORUM Act and Regulations

  • Parking a vehicle in a designated parking space for a time longer than the maximum time indicated on the official traffic sign
  • Parking a vehicle in a designated parking space so that the vehicle is not wholly within the space or failing to properly position the vehicle when angle parking
  • Stopping or parking at the side of a road marked with a continuous yellow edge line
  • Parking within 3m of a continuous dividing line or dividing strip unless permitted by a sign
  • Stopping within 20m of an intersection with traffic lights or 10m of an intersection without traffic lights
  • Stopping within 20m before or 10m after a pedestrian crossing that is not at an intersection
  • Stopping an unauthorised vehicle in a loading zone
  • Stopping in a mail zone or near a post box
  • Stopping an unauthorised vehicle in a taxi zone
  • Stopping an unauthorised vehicle in a bus zone or stopping within 20m before or 10m after a bus stop
  • Stopping on a bicycle path, footpath, shared path or dividing strip or a nature strip adjacent to a length of road in a built up area unless permitted by a sign
  • Stopping on or across a driveway unless dropping off or picking up passengers

Full details are available in Local Law No 5 (Parking) 2011 and the associated Subordinate Local Law.

For more information click on related links and documents or contact Council’s Customer Service Centre on 1300 22 55 77.