Disclosure Log (previous RTI applications)

Right to Information commenced on 1 July 2009. Council’s disclosure log provides details of non-personal information released under the Act. Information of a sensitive nature, for example personal details and/or information considered commercial in confidence, is removed from the documents prior to their release.

The Disclosure Log contains a summary of the information requested, but does not include identifying details of the applicants. Documents released to applicants under the Act will be progressively published via Council's disclosure log. 

Access the 2022-2023 Disclosure Log(PDF, 153KB)
Access the 2021-2022 Disclosure Log(PDF, 232KB)
Access the 2020-2021 Disclosure Log(PDF, 232KB)
Access the 2019-2020 Disclosure Log(PDF, 232KB)
Access the 2018/2019 Disclosure Log(PDF, 210KB)
Access the 2017/2018 Disclosure Log(PDF, 210KB)
Access the 2016/2017 Disclosure Log(PDF, 213KB)
Access the 2015/2016 Disclosure Log(PDF, 150KB)
Access the 2014/2015 Disclosure Log(PDF, 148KB)
Access the 2013/2014 Disclosure Log(PDF, 76KB)
Access the 2012/2013 Disclosure Log(DOC, 59KB)
Access the 2011/2012 Disclosure Log(DOC, 54KB)

Should you have any questions or wish to obtain a copy of the released documents, please contact the RTI Coordinator by telephoning Council’s Customer Service Centre on 07 4932 9000 or 1300 22 55 77.

Please provide the following information when contacting Council:

  • your request for the relevant disclosure log documents
  • the application number as a reference
  • your email or postal address