General Information

General Information

All native animals are protected under the Nature Conservation Act 1992, so it is important not to injure or kill any native species and to avoid disturbing their nesting and breeding habitats.

Feeding Animals

Wildlife that are fed by you may become dangerous and/or a nuisance to others in your neighbourhood.  This is because as wildlife population numbers grow so does the associated noise, damage to property, large amounts of faeces and other nuisance or health risks.

Feeding native wildlife the wrong type of food can be harmful to the wildlife, as they may develop nutritional disorders.  If wildlife depends on humans for food they can become more vulnerable to attack from predators, including domestic animals, and can lose the ability to find and capture their own food.

The State Government Department of Environment and Science regulates wildlife feeding under the Nature Conservation Act 1992.  Feeding a native animal that is dangerous, or creates an immediate threat to human health and safety, for example a crocodile, is not allowed. 

You cannot feed animals in protected areas, such as national parks.

Animal Breeding Places

You must not tamper with a place where a native animal will breed, unless authorised.  This includes places used by the animal to incubate or rear the animals offspring.

An animal breeding place includes

  • Bird nests
  • Tree hollows
  • Amphibian habitats
  • Reptile habitats

If an animal breeding place is causing a threat to human health and safety or economic loss, a person who holds a Damage Mitigation Permit through the Department of Environment and Science may be able to deal with the place.  Check that the permit allows the person to remove or tamper with the species you are targeting.