Active and sustainable transport


Active and sustainable transport means travelling from A to B by healthier and more environmentally-friendly modes of travel.

Did you know that being able to cycle, walk or use public transport is not only good for you, but good for our economy? In Queensland, economic modelling has shown that for every $1 invested in cycling infrastructure, $5 is returned to our state through a range of benefits including community health, traffic decongestion and savings in car user costs.

So whether you’re looking to build some extra exercise into your day, reduce your costs or lower your emissions, using more active and sustainable transport options can be a big win/win for you and the environment. 

Below are some transport top tips for how your household can choose to get from A to B more sustainably.

Active transport modes

There are lots of obvious benefits to fewer cars on the road and studies show one of the biggest ones is your health! Active transport means using physical activity to travel places.

Big wheels keep on turning (more efficiently!)

A lot of households find that a car is still the main option for daily transportation. But here are some top tips to gain fuel efficiencies, save money at the bowser and help the environment:

  • For a fuel efficient journey, get some of the basics right like servicing your car in line with manufacturers recommendations and keep tyres inflated to the correct level (low tyre pressure increases the rolling resistance of your tyres which requires more fuel to overcome).
  • Use less fuel by trying some eco-driving techniques to help adjust the way you drive (less abrupt stop/starts when not required). Plus removing excess vehicle weight and wind restrictions are just some tips to further improve fuel efficiency, save money and reduce emissions.
  • Check if your car is E10 compatible (if you are unsure about your vehicle, contact your vehicle manufacturer). The ethanol used in E10 is a renewable energy source that is produced in Queensland made from molasses (produced from sugar cane) or grain.
  • Get on board with carpooling, ride share and public transport. Check out the first private passenger transport operator in Australia to commit to a zero-emissions target right here in CQ.
The future is electric! 

Queensland is powering ahead in the transition to zero emission vehicles. A zero emission vehicle (ZEV) produces no exhaust fumes or emissions from its on-board source of power.

Destination travels and ecotourism!

You may have heard, the saying 'take only memories, leave no trace' in relation to travelling. Here are some tips to put it into action.

There are so many more resources available to help you on your travels!