Zoo animals enjoy Easter inspired enrichments

Published on 01 April 2021


While Easter chocolate may not be on the cards for Rockhampton Zoo, it hasn’t stopped its residents enjoying their own special treats to mark the occasion.

Ranging from decorated duck eggs to Easter bags filled with dried fruit – the goodies were all part of the Zoo’s latest animal enrichment activities.

Councillor for Sports, Parks and Public Spaces Cherie Rutherford, said the activities are regularly carried out for the animals and that this week it had taken on an Easter theme.

“It’s incredibly important that the animals here at Rockhampton Zoo are as happy as possible and part of ensuring that, is to encourage and challenge their instincts,” Cr Rutherford said.

“The keepers and staff do this by carrying out enrichment activities for the animals on a frequent basis and designing each to be a challenge or puzzle for the animals to solve.

“The activities are customised to the species of the animal and the types of challenges they would normally face in their natural habitat – such as foraging and working out how to open something for food inside.

“The enrichments always have a reward for the animal when they solve the puzzle – and this week these are Easter inspired treats.”

Cr Rutherford said the challenges varied in complexity and that all of the animals reaped the rewards for their efforts.

“The meerkat’s enjoyed vegetable and fly pupae once they discovered how to open the specially made bunny rabbit treat bags.

“For the dingoes – it was painted duck eggs – an all-time favourite for the pack.

“The macaques were challenged with opening bags that were filled with nuts.  

“Our chimp troop enjoyed their favourite dried fruit and nuts and the task of cracking open the papier-mâché coverings.”

The Zoo can be visited between 10am and 4pm each day and entry is free.

Rockhampton Zoo is owned and operated by Rockhampton Regional Council.