Your bin day might be changing

Published on 29 March 2022

FB post - 11 April

From Monday 11 April Council is launching improved bin collection routes, which may mean a change in your bin day or recycling week.

Waste and Recycling Councillor Shane Latcham said these changes were undoubtedly the right decision for the community.

“This is a major review of our collection routes, and it will mean a change in bin day or recycling week for about 70% of our community,” Cr Latcham said.

“Because this is such a major change we’re sending letters out to every household, so you’ll know exactly what your bin day and recycling day will be once these changes take effect.

“Even if there’s no change to your bin day or recycling week, you may find that the time your bin is usually collected changes, so please make sure you’re getting your bin out before 6am on your collection day.

“I know that bin days are a pretty key part of household routines and that this will be a bit of an adjustment.

“However, this is the right decision for our whole community, and I really want to thank everyone in advance for working with us through this transition.

“Over the years as our region has grown and changed our kerbside collection routes have done the same. As new collections have been added to existing routes, some days and routes have become more complicated than others.

“This review has given us an opportunity to map out routes that make the most sense for our community today, and mean that we are ready to service more people as our region continues to grow.”

To check your bin day now head over to and use our bin search tool.

Collections may take place at any time between 6am and 6pm on your bin day.